.Strategic B2B
Enterprise Sales


founders | managers | teams




Ever wonder how big-time sales guys identify leads,
shape and close complex deals, convert small projects into profitable long-term programs, neutralize
even the most formidable competitors?

Of course you do.

Learn outrageously powerful sales principles & practices from former Accenture sales leader Hudson Miles in this transformative two-week, 20-hour “online bootcamp.”


Intensive live program based on 25 years
premiere enterprise sales expertise + 10 years
intercultural executive coaching (Intel, Citi, Roche) customized to exactly meet your needs,
service mixand target clients.



your brain will be forever REWIRED for top performance.






Let’s do a quick sales self-assessment, see where you’re at:



A: Annihilate Competition | Increase Profitability | Control Destiny
To be consistently competitive, it’s imperative you adopt an unapologetically ruthless, warrior mindset that understands the true zero-sum nature of strategic sales success.
The only prize for second place…is business and career failure.


AI tools are excellent for automating basic, high-frequency sales activities. 
However, attempting to game your precious communications with senior executives is doomed to fail. ANY indication of inauthenticity will result in instant collapse of trust and legitimacy.
You’ve got ONE chance, use your innate human intelligence, creativity and intuition to its absolute fullest potential.


Successfully structuring and navigating complex sales pursuits REQUIRES understanding, accommodating and as necessary, neutralizing every identified decision-process stakeholder, especially those who have the influence and inclination to kill the deal.
As a professional “trusted advisor,” it is not your job to play it easy, it’s your DUTY to add value, see around corners, take a stand, be brilliant, and lead your prospects to positive outcomes.


Passively waiting for prospects and customers to dictate the terms in complex sales is considered a terminable offense at major firms.
Your professional obligation requires you to be ACTIVE and in full command of messaging, perception, prospect discovery, business politics, expectations setting, anticipatory objection handling, and negotiation to drive deals forward.


Sales leaders live, breathe and die by the undeniable persuasiveness of their messaging which must be customized not just for every target company…but every stakeholder in the “buyer center” process.
As the core language of executive business, value proposition mastery will radically improve ALL your future sales and business pursuits.


sample content


feel good?



“embrace these concepts…you’re on your way to

sales greatness!


fail to understand even ONE…you’ll be

outperformed by your competitors every time.”



Get. Trained.


“For the first time, I felt like an actual salesperson!”


Logo clients Accenture Intel sinopec b Braun Roche Henkel northwestern


“…intensive program was highly interactive, customized for our business needs & prospect targets…and opened a door to an entirely new way of thinking.”
Digital Agency Startup CEO

“...the greater value is in helping to understand, develop and apply executive-level thinking and cross-culture awareness for…confident engagement in our global environment.”
INTEL® AI Frameworks Manager

“A sales encyclopedia! He ran a private sales training…teaching us enterprise fundamentals custom tailored to our business. I could feel us getting better with each day…a masterclass.”
MIT PhD Founder & Thiel Fellow

Logo clients Accenture Intel sinopec b Braun Roche Henkel northwestern


time to MOVE!



want FIVE more questions, assessment feedback or FREE 30 minute Masterclass DEMO?


all services led & delivered by recognized sales & marketing consultant, coach & trainer Hudson Miles leader of disruptive and highly successful initiatives at Accenture, Intel, iGate, Xpedior, AT&T and builder of worldclass executive GlobalReadiness programs across North America, Europe and Asia.

$100M+ club

Logo clients Accenture Intel sinopec b Braun Roche Henkel northwestern

